The easiest way to create a link in bio page.

Mozhi is a content platform that helps you to take ownership of your audience.

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Own your content,
own your audience

You know best what your audience want to see from you, so we let you control how your page looks

Instagram Facebook X TikTok YouTube Spotify Apple Music LinkedIn

Link to anywhere, link from anywhere

Create a collection of links of your website, your work and any content that you want to share with your audience and link to your Mozhi from all your social profiles to deliver the same experience to everyone.


Match Mozhi to your brand and style

Start from a variety of theme and customize them until your profile page matches your own style.

Analyze the impact on your audience

Track and learn how your audience engages with your content. Make educated updates to keep them coming back to your site.

We are in open alpha!

We are still building out the main features for the product. If you are interested in seeing the product grow and bring in your ideas, reach out to me on Instagram or Twitter to get your invite code.

Get Started for free